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Black and white portrait of Rustam Halfin
Black and white portrait of Rustam Halfin
Black and white portrait of Rustam Halfin
Black and white portrait of Rustam Halfin

Rustam Khalfin

Black and white portrait of Rustam Halfin

Individual objects

Private collection

18,6х13,3 сm



Black and white photo

additional information

One of 9 black and white portraits of Rustam Khalfin, Magnum package.
The picture is published on Wikipedia on the Artist's page and on the website of the Museum of Modern Art in Almaty. https://collection.almaty.art/entity/PERSON/3915775 ?index=26.
To date, 3 original handmade black-and-white photographs are known, 2 originals are in the archive, 1 was donated to the Museum of Modern Art in Almaty.

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