Rustam Khalfin. Intimacy – In Time (solo show)

Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Almaty


On March 15, 2007, at 6:30 pm, the opening of Rustam Khalifin's solo exhibition "Intim – In Time" was held at the Soros Contemporary Art Centre in Almaty. The exhibition showcased new works created by the artist after his illness. This exhibition was an artistic statement that created an open, inner space, a realm of quiet intimacy, for the creative person. The "Self-Portraits Without Mirror" create a special atmosphere, with their unique writing technique that reflects the artist's deep experiences as he navigates a nomadic universe, between the Scylla of libido and the Charybdis of creative imagination.

One of the highlights of the exhibition was the "In Honor Of Lida" hemispherical work, which was an expansion of a mini-sculpture made by Khalifin's wife, Lydia Blinova. The work consists of a series of bricks, on which Khalifin made his palm print with a "pulota" – a plastic object that he formed by clenching his hand into a fist. "Pulota" is a type of sign that identifies the closest touchable space to a person, from which the artistic development of the world around them begins. The "Golden Goddess" represents the feminine principle, which is seen as a source of artistic creativity. There is a striking connection between the physical world and that created by the artist's imagination in this painting. Rustam Khalfin's work is another unique way to strengthen our cultural identity. Zhanat Baymukhmetov is a philosopher and art critic. Dastan Kozakhmetov is the curator of the exhibition.

You can view the works and photos of the exhibition on our website by following the link.